Heritage Open Days – HODs – is back this autumn and this time it runs over 10 days, from the 11th to the 20th September. So get the dates in your diary now! Its theme is Hidden Nature, Put on your wellies, grab your coat and step into the outdoors. This year, we are turning our focus onto the natural world – and we’re asking you to join with us in celebrating our extraordinary natural heritage. Look our for new heritage walks and trails, unexpected places where nature has taken over, and much, much more.
Living Archive MK has been managing Heritage Open Days on behalf of MK Council since 2013, with support from Milton Keynes Heritage Association. It has grown from 44 events in 2013, gathering 4126 attendees, to 150 events in 2019, with over 17500 attendees.
Heritage Open Days were established in 1994 as a celebration of built architecture, but has broadened to encompass a vast range of places and experiences, many not usually available to the public. HODs celebrates our diverse history, architecture and culture, offering the chance for visitors to see hidden places and try out new experiences all for free.
Please contact us if you’d like to get involved.
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