Soldier's Demobilisation Account
Soldier's Demobilisation Account
Sapper Edwin Butler Reg. No: 121202 Royal Engineers demobilisation account detailing payment made to him totaling £32.10.01. This amount was made up of £4.10s.9d being balance due to soldier on the date of arrival at dispersal station, £4.11s.0d being 28 days furlough at 3s.3d net rate, £2.18s.4d being 28 days ration allowance at 2s.1d and £20.10s.0d War Gratuity. The money was paid as £2.0s.0d advance at the dispersal station, £20.10s.0d deposited into Post Office Savings bank, two postal drafts for the amount of £3.10s.0d dated 24.04.1919 and 01.05.1919, and one postal draft for £3.0s.1d dated 08.05.1919. The War Gratuity payment was subject to ‘Less £1 payable on return of the military great-coat’. The form has been amended stating that Edwin would receive communication from the Controller, Savings Bank at the end of his furlo rather than in a few days, informing him at what office his savings book would be ready to issue and that he should let the Controller Savings Bank. London W.14, know of any new address. The form has been stamped by the Section Officer, but is unclear what the numbers stand for.
Section Officer
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